How to Recover from Work Burnout : Stress is real | GreenSoul

How to Recover from Work Burnout : Stress is real!


Stress is unavoidable at the workplace, but excessive and unyielding demands can lead to an incapacitating condition known as burnout. According to a recent TINYpulse poll, almost 86% of remote employees have experienced significant burnout.

Burnout is characterised by these symptoms: weariness, cynicism, distance from work, and feelings of inefficacy, ineptitude, and lack of performance. The condition has been connected to a variety of health issues, including hypertension, sleep disorders, depression, and drug misuse. Furthermore, it can destroy relationships and harm professional opportunities.

You may be passionate about your job, but burnout can take its toll. Sometimes, burnout is caused by a mismatch between input and output; you get burned out when you believe you are putting more into your job than you are receiving. This can happen when your work isn't fulfilling, but more often than not, it's because you're not taking care of yourself.

Working from home may seem tough at times; however, there are modest but effective ways to make your job (and life) happier and more enjoyable. For instance, choosing ergonomic sitting positions can mitigate physical burnout and keep you focused for a longer time without any muscle strain. Want to know more about ergonomics? Read on for further information, and how an ergonomic desk set-up can help you focus more on work and reduce burnout.

What is an ergonomic chair?

An ergonomic chair is a type of chair often used when you need to sit for lengthy periods, such as at an office or a work-from-home set-up. On average, individuals spend more than 13 years of their lives at work. Therefore, it is essential for them to remain comfortable while working. An ergonomic chair is packed with customisable features that help users to maintain proper postures while remaining efficient on their jobs.

How can it reduce stress and work burnout?

An estimated 50% of individuals in the industrialised world complain of back pain, with bad seat design being one of the main causes. The health of your spine is affected by how you sit and what you sit on. Neck and back discomfort caused by working from a badly positioned table and chair is a terrible reality for many people. The pain you experience may also cause severe financial discomfort. In the US, about $1 billion is spent each week on work-related musculoskeletal illnesses, the majority of which are caused by minor faults in body alignment. That said, there are several other causes behind work stress burnout. Here are some of them.

What are the causes of work burnout?


  • Extremes of activity

When working in a monotonous or chaotic environment, you need continual energy to stay focused, which may lead to exhaustion and job burnout.

  • Workload

When your workload meets your capability, you can get your job done more efficiently, have time to relax and recuperate, and find time for professional growth and development. These opportunities to restore equilibrium do not emerge when you are chronically overburdened.

  • Inability to concentrate

The work environment is important here. You'll need a good desk setup that can fit well-organised office equipment. This saves you time in gathering various appliances such as a mouse, headphones, chargers, and so on and keeps everything handy for you to concentrate entirely on your task.

    Despite the many reasons for burnout, many people fail to recognise its symptoms, and the situation only worsens in the long run.

    Symptoms of work burnout:

    The most recognisable burnout symptom is absolute fatigue, which cannot be addressed by periodic recuperation time periods such as an evening, a weekend, or even a vacation.

    Feelings of energy depletion or weariness can manifest as fatigue regardless of how many hours you sleep. You’ll have difficulty relaxing, experience changes in sleep patterns, get bodily pain, or feel ill more often. Skipping meals, feeling restless, and a lack of drive in the non-work aspects of life are other common symptoms of work burnout. It is critical to identify and address the underlying source or sources of work burnouts.

    Fortunately, work burnouts are avoidable by simply modifying the work environment! Making an effort to prevent physical discomfort is critical to fostering a healthy workplace. According to research, when workers feel at ease in their physical surroundings, they are more productive and inspired by the job they do.

    Thus, improving your work environment can significantly contribute towards a positive work atmosphere that is more effective, focused, and energy-boosting. Here is how you can avoid work burnout and create a safe and happier place of work.

    10 ways to avoid burnout and how to recover from it:


    • Arrange your Workspace

    This will really help you work more successfully and with less stress in the long term. Try to set aside an hour to organise your desk and paperwork. An orderly desk has been demonstrated to boost productivity, and sentiments of productivity lessen feelings of fatigue. Clutter has also been linked to higher cortisol levels, according to research. Cortisol is a stress hormone that you can reduce by making simple changes in your everyday life. Thus, get yourself a storm multipurpose table with LED light today from Green Soul. 

    • Ergonomic Chairs

    An ergonomic office chair is not a luxury; it is a necessity you must invest in if you want to improve your efficiency at work. When compared to people's typical physical conditions before the pandemic lockdown, over 50% of employees experienced new pains, particularly in the shoulders (56%), neck (58%) and back (55%). Hence, it is crucial you invest in a high-quality ergonomic Green Soul Jupiter Superb High Back Mesh Office Chair to avoid back strain, tiredness, and pain.

    • Create your area to accommodate all your needs

    Stop working by simply keeping your laptop over a pillow or working on the sofa. Create your own space where you can arrange all your office needs with a light movable table from Green Soul, and chairs especially made for long-sitting purposes, such as the Green Soul New York Plus High Back Mesh Office Chair.

    • Consider getting a Multipurpose Table

    A multipurpose table is a godsend for work-at-home professionals like you. It can meet a variety of purposes throughout your working hours. Apart from your laptop, mouse, and notepad, you can also keep your headphones, coffee cup, and other work-related items on Green Soul’s L-shaped multi-purpose table. 

    • Keep your work atmosphere discreet, yet lively

    Ergonomic chairs from Green Soul, such as the Green Soul Zodiac Pro High Back Mesh Office Chair, are not only safe and comfy, but also look wonderful. These well-thought-out pieces of tables and chairs are both comfortable and visually beautiful. It will complement the aesthetics of your workstation. Most current ergonomic computer chairs have an exquisite design that will look fantastic at your workplace.

    • Increase your job productivity by improving your posture

    Working from home demands long hours of sitting. Using ergonomic seats to improve your posture can help you feel less weary and stay focused on your job. Thus, correcting your sitting posture will considerably increase your job productivity, which is attainable with a high-quality ergonomic chair by Green Soul.

                Other things to do to avoid work burnout:


                • Take short breaks

                Make a list of things that make you happy and fix a time to relax during your work schedule, whether in the morning, at lunch, or in between meetings. Even 20 minutes of walking, watching a new TV programme, or reading a chapter of a book can provide you energy and increase your focus.

                • Begin a new project

                Burnout does not only occur when you are overloaded; it can also happen when you believe you are not accomplishing enough. It may occur when each day seems repetitive and mundane. Workers may feel as though they aren't making a difference, as if there is no obvious finish line they can ever cross. As a result, it's critical to develop side hustles and take classes to keep yourself motivated when your job becomes a monotonous task each day.

                • Stay active

                Get physically active. Regular physical exercise can help you better cope with stress. It can also divert you from the stress of your unending work deadlines.

                • Make self-care a priority

                It is critical to recharge yourself physically and emotionally, including your ability to concentrate, by focusing on proper sleep habits, diet, exercise, social connections, and practices that promote serenity and well-being, such as meditation, writing, and outdoor activities.

                  Thus, take care of yourself and design a beautiful, peaceful, comfortable and effective work area with Green Soul’s ergonomic product collection.


                  There can be many reasons for work burnout, but you can help yourself by procuring aesthetic, yet comfortable ergonomic chairs and a multipurpose table for your workstation. If you are really concerned about your health, go for the country’s leading ergonomic chair brand - Green Soul - and make a difference to your work environment.

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